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Why I should hire Summa Business Law?You should hire Summa Business Law to form your Utah LLC because: Paul Sparks of Summa Business Law is an LLC attorney who will answer your LLC questions for free before and after forming your company. Contact Paul Sparks today at 480-335-6170 or book an office or phone consultation. You do not need to meet in-person to form your LLC. You will receive a copy of your Certificate of Organization (the state required form) on the day Summa Business Law files your form. Paul Sparks prepares a custom Operating Agreement that fits your taxation.
Do you charge to answer questions about LLCs?No. As a Utah Business and LLC Attorney, Paul Sparks who understands the need for business owners to get helpful answer to their legal questions. Paul Sparks is happy to answer your questions. Call Paul Sparks at 480-335-6170 or book an office or phone consultation
When can my LLC start engaging in business?You can start engaging in business once the Utah Division of Corporations approves your Certificate of Organization, which is usually 10-15 days after Summa Business Law files the Certificate or 3-4 business days for expedited filings.
How will I get a copy of my documents?Summa Business Law will email to the contact person pdf files of their Certificate of Organization and Operating Agreement.
Does you fee include an operating agreement?Yes, Utah business law and LLC attorney Paul Sparks will draft a custom Operating Agreement for your company. A custom Operating Agreement is essential for making changes that are allowed under the Utah LLC statute. Summa Business Law will send an email that has the Operating Agreement attached as a pdf file so the owners can review it and sign it.
Does my LLC need an Operating Agreement?No, the Utah LLC statute does not require an Operating Agreement. However, Utah Business Law and LLC Attorney Paul Sparks recommends that you get a custom Operating Agreement to overcome many of the assumptions found in the Utah LLC statute. Click here to read about the dangers of relying on the LLC statute.
What is a registered agent and what does it do?Every company formed in Utah must have a registered agent (called a statutory agent in other states) whose name and address is on file with the Utah Division of Corporations. The registered agent is to give the public notice who can be served with legal documents if somebody wants to sue the company.
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